Life Lessons From My Dog Companions

My heart fills with so much love when thinking about the great lessons my dog companions taught me.

Shadow taught me about real love. Unconditional, I’d take a bullet for you sort of love. My actions did not change his love. His devotion taught me about loving my self and opening myself up beyond love as I knew it. I finally understood unconditional love. I was hooked and have grown exponentially with his lessons.  Loyalty and trust. He exemplified all the best characteristics of a being. He was a perfect adoring, gentle gentleman. He now sends shooting stars to remind me how he loved and still does.

Toni-Jo came next and with her energetic lessons. She turns out to be a spiritual guide and Empath. From her arrival, she displayed the effect of energies. She physically feels and expresses when changes of energy are present.  Through learning to be together, I learned about energy and recognized the similarities which helped me discover that being an Empath was a real thing. And that I was as she was.  Realizing it gave me access to healing and finding the best of the best ways to live with it.  She also showed me how to communicate with her and then gave me information about the Universe and the magnitude of the energy of love. She helped me become aware of animal communication and to seek out learning.

Ginger came to us to teach us how to be old gracefully and to die bravely. I would not have been able to say goodbye to Shadow without a total collapse if not for her coming to ‘show us the way’. She communicated solidly, locked eyes with me and instantly I would have her communication in my head, knowing exactly what she was saying. She taught Toni-Jo dog games helping her to enjoy life as a dog.  She was a wise old woman when she came to us. She was deeply comfortable in all places and with every being. As she showed us the way through the death and dying process, she communicated and taught me how to be strong and navigate through. We took down the barriers and fears of it. She continues to teach and counsel, ever nearby.

Gracie came around shortly after Ginger’s transition. She was chosen, secretly hopefully because she was a physical image of Ginger. She may grow into that persona, but she was born to teach us about individuality. She has a healthy dose of ‘it’s all about me’ running through her veins.  She was not like the others.  Selfish is understated. She is center stage and demands attention. I’ve run the gamut from charmed to aghast over her sense of self-worth. Clearly it’s an area in me that I was needing lessons. With Gracie, I am learning to be more center stage in my own life. Confidence is key.

Finding the happy balance from all these lessons; of giving love, spiritual growth and assistance to others, growing old gracefully and now enjoying what I am passionate about without apology. I am the lessons that these beloved animals have shown.  They are my teachers.

Toni-Jo and Gracie remain. They continue their teaching of spiritual richness and following my joy. Every day I get better at these things with their ever-present examples. My life is rich beyond belief. I am lucky to say it is a dog’s life indeed!

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