An Open Letter to Every Human Companion From Their Transitioned Animals

I am fine. I am now the Pure Love that you experienced in the interactions from our life together. Only now it is always always all ways. There is no pain. No loneliness. No suffering. No Anxiety. No Fear.

When I crossed over, and that is a great term for it, and thus the analogy of the Rainbow Bridge was born. When I crossed over, I left the physical body behind. I kept my essence. I kept my personality. I kept our memories. And I have returned to All That Is. I am only lLOVE now and I’m everywhere and anywhere anytime like now. I’m there. Open your heart and sense me there. Here. Do you feel me?

I treasure our shared life experience. It was designed to be fun, easy, instrumental, difficult, loving, fearful, adventurous. My role was to show you, remind you, of the spirit essence within you. Love. I was there to nurture and nudge. You revisited the Pure Love of our spirits when you looked into my gaze. That’s my most significant reason for being, you know. While humans are designed to inhabit ‘ego’ primarily, with the ingrained fears of the human/ego, trained to compete, isolate, alienate and be apart. Animals, although given a physical body/ego, come here remembering the spirit Self, the true, eternal spirit/being/soul. We are here to help you balance.
There is nothing that is unresolved between us. When I left physical, all was transformatively perfect. Although I’ve moved out of the physical body I occupied, I remain me; the angel that spent time with you on this earthly journey. I am always nearby for eternity. Some of us return to you in your same current lifetimes. It’s a fun secret that we have that only gets discovered occasionally. The mystery is there for you to solve and we are willing to share.
You and I move about in clusters, in and out of physical, groups of spirits/souls. We play together time and again as we invent new experiences and lives to live. This earthly plane is deliciously designed as a playground for us to explore. We are like groups of kids imagining adventures to play out; in the woods, our backyards, in nature. Together we invent, create, and simply experience Being.
We are grateful, so grateful, for our time together in physical where things are not always perfect as they are in spirit. We thank you for the shared life and love. Remember, we crossed over to spirit, we never left. Spirit is not someplace out in a galaxy far away, it’s everywhere. It’s All. We are everywhere anywhere and anytime. It is our hope that you are brought into the awareness of our being with you continuously. We wish to continue to provide comfort and love. You are our beloveds.

Tina Marie with PepperDog, Peanut and Toni-Jo

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