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Sheva, Love and Le Joie de Vivre

June 20, 2004 – September 2, 2018
Life Purpose: Love and Le Joie de Vivre

Sheva and I met in September of 2017. My Animal Communication work is conducted from a distance. Humans contact me then I connect and communicate with their animals. It’s all virtual. I sit in my office at home, connect, and type out the sessions dictation-style as we go along. I am able to connect with them directly, and/or get information from Spirit, and/or through intuition. The methods and the messages are as unique as they are.

Sheva’s human dad cannot remember how he found me for Animal Communication. We do know that Sheva made it happen. She helped initiate many deep and lasting friendships with her at the center.

In our very first session, Sheva was lighthearted. She presented vitality, humor, and joy. I was able to hear her voice as she laughed and told happy stories. She shared enough specifics to know that she was telling true stories, but she was embellishing about her overall health. In truth she was a large 13 year-old dog with health issues. Things were serious much of the time for her and her worried dads. The love between them was genuine and profoundly deep.

Through our next sessions, after her true health was revealed, she expressed her desire to be consulted on her healthcare. Equal partners. But with that she pleaded for more fun less fear. More enjoyment and less anguish. She honestly embraced her age with awe and wonder. She spoke on it often. The changes to her health were not depressing. Youth was for youthfulness. Elder years had purpose and value too. She was experiencing it all with wonder. She was the first being that I’ve encountered, that without doubt, loved the moment she was living. She was not physically well, but her spirit was vibrant. She was teaching on the Joie de Vivre from the very beginning and continues to lecture on it today; postmortem.

Excerpts in her own words:

May 28, 2018 from Sheva
…This is very much a lesson about dying. And how to do it well with style, in a tiara. I never wish to be depressed.
Life is too short and there is wonder to be had and found in every thing, every moment, every second, even the supposed bad ones. I wish to show you all how that can be.

Watch for the stars, the sparks of life, joy, and wonder in every thing(the word everything is delivered as two words with much emphasis – every. Thing.) This is everywhere we go.

Even with failing parts, there are many more working and functioning other parts that are giving us the most beautiful experiences – leaves in the breezes, the sound and smell of rain, the way things look in a reflection (she shows the bronze globes).

There is much life to live even when you don’t move too much.

It’s about the positive and the love. Focus there. There is always something to be happy about. I am grateful I am experiencing all of these moments, this body, this life, these times. My days are full of wonder and love.

June 23, 2019
Sheva and I sit together at the end of a session sharing gratitude. Together we are feeling the hips and legs, muscles that are weaker. Our feet, how they were once so sturdy, solid in youth. How many steps they have taken to now. How many more they have. How we appreciate the ability that is still there. The lungs, heart, that were at their peak in youth. The ups and downs they have had. How they are at a lesser capacity now. How vibrant they still are. Eyes, ears, taste, senses, body. All capable to a functioning level. We are feeling the magnitude of appreciation for everything as it is right now at this time, this stage. (Sheva says:) Many have more. Many have less. I have all that I need in this moment.

And then I feel the swell of love. HUGE swell, grows out from her and enveloping her Dads. The energy is a life force of its own. No word or phrase can describe how overwhelming and beautiful it feels. (I weep. With all the words I know, I don’t know how to describe this. My hope is that it is conveys directly from Sheva as they read this.)
Sheva’s powerful lesson is not lost on me.

September 5, 2018(3 days post-transitioning)
My Dearly Beloveds. I cannot fully express the depth of gratitude I have for this life we all shared. The love/ the love the love the palpable love between we three. That we extended out to our family, our friends. I always felt a part of the human world which I very much desired and appreciated. My work there was with you. As it is now as well. We have learned much together about love. Endurance. Making our way through when the outcome was unknown. I think about our moving about and the adventures in these times.

I wish to speak about right now to begin. Thank you for making me feel so beloved as we went through the last months. I know that was difficult to see my decline. I maintain now as I said then that this was never too much for me to bear. I found the joy and spark of living up to the very end. Thank you for the ceremonial send off. I am honored to be your cherished departed. Although I maintain that I am right here, and healthy as I ever was in living.

You will see. You will get to know me. I promise to you all that it will be much simpler to hear and chat with me. I have a different energy/frequency which connects to a greater range so you get to pick it up easier even if we are not perfectly aligned. I am so excited for you to feel and experience this for yourselves. Tina is typing, trying to type, as fast as my words are coming through and feeling a bit lagging. Aren’t you Dear? It’s alright. I will adjust my speed of information to be sure my messages are clear.

I wish to relate some about the cross over. The journey started before that day. I was a paw into both worlds. I can now say that many of my dream-states, deep sleep states let me visit there. Which there is not really away but here. You will see. It is not so far apart, or far apart at all. I am here. Can’t you feel me? You have felt enough to know that this is true. It does not take away your pain of the loss of the child-dog but I am just moved to a new role, a dog-angel if you will. I have been preparing and dreaming of this time. Glorious. It is spectacular.

I can not find great enough words to let you experience the joyousness of being here now like this. There is no death. No pain. No suffering caused to you or in my body. I see the body as separate from me now. It served us well. So many years with medical issues so many overcomings with it. It served us well indeed it did. I want for you to do with that body as it best serves you and your needs and memories. I have no attachment. I have respect. Gratitude. But it was an amicable separation. Do with that as you so desire.

I have many plans of the good works we will do. Seeds have been planted in you and I am here to help guide and work out details that seem difficult. …My machinations (I had to look up the word) are led by your desires. I would not impose my will, nor could I, onto you. Know that your desires, if they resonate with you, are yours and I support them with all the glimmering light and energy that is needed. … Have faith in our connection and know it is strong.

Your minds will be busy. …I encourage you to experience it. Live in the moment. Have Le Joie de Vivre. I am now standing with your Beloveds in ‘spirit’. We are all here, with you. Our love is strong. Feel it now fill your hearts and the space around you. Feel our love. Beloveds you are dearly beloveds.

We will be speaking easily and freely anytime you wish. I am hearing you. Your every word. Your every thought.

Sheva remains true to her word; always nearby-she guides and eases the way for many adventures.

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