About Tina Marie – The Extended Dance Mix with Credits

About Tina Marie – The Extended Dance Mix with Credits
How I Came to Be an Animal Communicator

I have always been ‘sensitive’. And I’d always connected heart-to-heart with animals. I had instant knowing about their emotional state. Without being aware, I was communicating my wishes with them and they with me on an emotional level. It was minimal but it existed.

It was about 10 years ago that I realized that I’m an Intuitive Empath, the great cause behind my sensitivity. Intuitive Empaths involuntarily feel others energy, emotions, and feelings. In a crowd or environment where nerves can run high, the energy we absorb can be stifling. Unwittingly, I found ways to block, avoid or numb the effects throughout my early decades. With great authors like Judith Orloff (www.drjudithorloff.com), I found and developed coping mechanisms which were life giving and liberating. Learning about empaths also lead me naturally and easily into studying and learning about psychic abilities.

I can gush for days on the psychic lessons, awareness, teachers and ways we can open up to these skills. I began practicing meditation, studying Law of Attraction and all about the varying forms of psychic communicating. A sampling of my favorite authors’ books is listed on my Facebook page if you want access to a dynamic reading list! I’ve had amazing teachers. One of the most significant is Gregory Kompes(www.kompes.com); a conscious channel(medium), author and teacher, who guided me from a curious unknowing state to opening my psychic channels. Gregory gave me wings.

Learning these skills was a gateway into developing Animal Communication skills. After I learned about the existence of Animal Communication, I starting finding authors and teachers sharing their information in books, websites, audio, seminars. Penelope Smith (www.animaltalk.net) is an important animal communicator, author and teacher. She created the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Communication in 1990, which animal communicators still ascribe to. It’s included on this website with her permission and is important to read as a client.
About this time, I had a couple readings done with different animals in my pack. The animal communicators were able to key in on facts about my animals that they had no way of knowing. I thought they were magical. So lucky to have the gift. I longed for the ability. Every teacher said the same thing though-anyone can learn to do this.
I went from skeptic to hopeful. I was on my way to and through my own magical journey through psychic studies and animal communication. One book lead to an audio download, to a teaching manual to another book and YouTube video and so on. I was charged up. All these people who could do this inspired me. I surrounded myself with inspired materials, discipline and people.

Slowly, I made progress. Small connections with big impact. I got information and feelings that could not have possibly come from me. I’ve realized that it’s common for students at this point, to become afraid, or doubt, and get sidetracked. I saw it in the Facebook discussions and realized it wasn’t just me. We get scared by this thing that is bigger than us and not really in our control. We are surrendering to mystical powers, embracing them, and at some point, standing up in front of family, friends and the world and admitting that we do this crazy thing that they’ve never heard of – and may never believe. It can permanently closet some and derail others. As an Empath, I moved forward knowing I would have to navigate through some negativity. That slowed me up but I kept moving forward….quietly.

I started looking into weekend retreats or online courses – I knew my next step would be a structured group course. What seems to be a commonality with animal communication students, life gets in the way. Mine at this time was a leg break, mangled ankle and recovery time. While still hobbled, I decided on Lynn McKenzie’s Animal Energy Certification Level 1 course (www.animalenergy.com), and almost a year later became certified. The massive and extensive material covered many healing modalities, communication methods, and practical exercises. It showed me the vastness of possibilities and pulled everything together for me. It gave me the courage to use my wings and follow my passion.

Through the coursework I developed my own way of communication. I utilize a virtual method where I enter a meditative state in a quiet space, connect with the animal virtually, using their photo, and then we have a cooperative communication telepathically. As we connect, I write the information I’m getting. The information can come through so rapidly at times and this method captures everything to give their human companions an in-depth document for future reference.
Depending on the animal, I sometimes hear their voice, feel their personality, get downloads of information, see images, or feel feelings. I cooperatively scan their body for any areas of concern. Essentially, my ‘soul inner-being’ connects with the animal’s ‘soul inner-being’. The animals are in charge of the information that I receive. They can be sleeping, working, even playing while we chat. That doesn’t affect our ability to connect.

I have since been providing readings for clients around the world. We get amazing results! I’m so excited for the future and to continue to offer my services globally. I learn so much from these amazing teachers and creatures. With every encounter, I learn more about the relationships they are here for and the love that is ever present in them. They are truly magnificent beings. I am humbled and honored to be a part of their journey. This is what I was born to do and now that it’s here, I am content, at peace, confident and ready to be of service to animals and their human companions.
My soul recognizes and honors their souls, and yours.
Tina Marie

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